First Aid and CPR Training
Basic First Aid
Properly applied first aid can save lives, reduce recovery time and quite possibly mean the difference between temporary disability or lifelong disability for the victim. This program will teach each participant how to recognize the signs and symptoms of injuries and sudden illness. Each participant will also learn how to respond in emergencies such as bleeding, shock, burns, strains, fractures, allergic reaction, diabetic and seizures.
CPR-AED For the Community and the Workplace
This course provides participants with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective basic life suppport in an emergency.
Bloodborn Pathogens
This program includes information that will help students understand what bloodborn pathogens are and how risks of exposure can be reduced for themselves and others. The program assists in satisfying the training requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.
Emergency Medical Response For Adults in the Workplace
This course combines CPR, AED and basic first aid training. This program is designed specifically to arm laypersons with the minimum knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency care for suddenly ill or injured adults during the usually brief interval between the incident and arrival of emergency medical care professionals.
CPR PRO for the Professional Rescuer
This program is designed for Emergency Medical Technicians. This program has been approved by the Continuing education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services (CECBEMS) and is accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). The program has also been approved by many state health agencies and may be used to meet the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization’s (JCAHO) Resuscitation Standard.
First Responder
The Global Training and Compliance ASHI First Responder Course is designed to provide students with the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function as First Responders. The curriculum includes skills necessary for students to provide emergency medical care with a limited amount of equipment. The Course is approximately 40 hours in length; the course does not require clinical time by students prior to successful completion.